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Comic Book Projects

The following are excerpts from comics that have either been completed or are currently being illustrated.


Single book about a young boy's chance encounter with a friendly mad scientist, told in Seuss-style rhyme. (Completed)

Three Ninja Scouts (like the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts, but ninjas) fight a Sumerian demon. Planned as a five issue miniseries, first issue is being illustrated.


The "Death of Osiris" myth retold as film noir murder mystery. Four issue mini-series, first issue in progress.

A six-page comic produced for the Square City Comics Anthology vol 3: The Cure. For this anthology, each story had to include a "mortality cure" that rendered the user immortal. 

Perfect Poe 1 (Lo-Res).tif

A personal injury lawyer in a superhero universe helps lab accident victims file lawsuits instead of rampaging as supervillains.

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